November 1, 2022

Typescript's Skeleton Key

The intrepid Typescript developer will find several types that, frankly, make no sense whatsoever in real life. A “string” or “number” is perfectly reasonable, but what is an “unknown” or “never” type?

More importantly, what in the world is a “keyof never”?

In case the introduction didn’t make the fact clear, this post will be pretty technical. Be forewarned!

First, we’ll need a bit of background on how types can be combined in Typescript to create new, more complicated types. The rules take after formal logic and set theory, but the end result is still pretty intuitive.

Let’s pretend we have two plain object types, Vehicle and Animal:

interface Vehicle {
    speed: number;
    name: string;

interface Animal {
    name: string;
    legs: number;

Perhaps we also want a function that accepts either a Vehicle or Animal and returns its name. How would we write that function and its signature?

function getName(entity: Vehicle | Animal): string {

Notice a few things about this function:

  • The parameter can either be a Vehicle or Animal, but not both. In other words, if you pass in something that has a name and speed and legs, you’ll get an error.

  • Because the object can only be one or the other type, the only property that is guaranteed to exist on the object is name. If we tried to access any other property on the object (without additional typecasting or narrowing), again, we’d get an error.

The union type operator | is used when we want instances that are exactly one of the component types specified.

Now, we could also have an object (one that is currently untyped) called “horse”:

const horse = {
    speed: 23,
    legs: 4,
    name: "Spirit",

The horse is both a Vehicle and an Animal, because it literally has all of the fields necessary for both types. We can declare that using the following syntax:

type Steed = Vehicle & Animal;
const horse: Steed;

A Steed can be passed into the getName function, and indeed, it can be used anywhere anyone asks for just a Vehicle, or just an Animal, because a Steed is truly both. That said, any variable defined as a Steed must have all the fields of both component types: we couldn’t assign “just” an Animal to a variable of the Steed type.

The intersection type operator & is used when we want instances that can serve as any of the component types specified at all times.

Among Typescript’s special-case built-in types are two polar opposites, unknown and never. What do those types mean?

If a variable is an unknown type, then you can assign any value to it. Anything. Always. Likewise, a variable with a never type can not have anything assigned to it. Nothing. At all.

The cases where you’d use either of these types are somewhat esoteric, and I won’t make a comprehensive list here. However, here are a few simpler motivating examples:

  • A function that never returns (e.g. always throws an error or goes into an infinite loop) has a return type of, you guessed it, never. This signature is different from a return type of void, i.e. when the function does call return; with no value.

  • A function parameter that could be a variety of things, determined through conditional checks (e.g. if (param === undefined)), could have a type of unknown if we were too lazy to create a more specific type.

Relation to Set Theory

How might we define unknown and never with our union and intersection operators? They would both be infinite sets—impractical to write explicitly in code—but the thought exercise will help us understand some interactions described later in this post.

The easier type to conceptualize this way is unknown. Consider: if we want the ability to assign any of three different types to a variable, what syntax would we use? Based on our getName function parameter, we’d do something like A | B | C. For five different types, we’d have A | B | C | D | E… and for truly any type at all, we’d have an infinitely-long union of types.

The more difficult type to discern in this way is never—although, given the parallels so far, the reader might be able to guess where we’re going. When we defined Steed as Vehicle & Animal, we could no longer assign Vehicle or Animal alone to variables of that type. Furthermore, if we created a longer “intersection type” A & B & C, with more components, we’d get an increasingly restricted type. It follows that a variable with an infinitely-long intersection type could never take a value, because no value would have all the properties required of the type.

So, in summary: unknown is an infinite union of types; never is an infinite intersection of types.

This little operator has a pretty simple use: it creates a type consisting of a union of the possible keys for an object.

Some code is worth a thousand words:

interface Animal {
    name: string;
    legs: number;

// Equivalent to ('name' | 'legs')
type AnimalKey = keyof Animal;

The union won’t always just be of strings, either: an array (for example) could yield numeric keys in that union.

Think of our old example types of Vehicle, Animal, and Steed. How would keyof behave with the union and intersection operators?

  • keyof (Vehicle | Animal) would only yield 'name'. Does that feel a bit odd? Remember, Vehicle | Animal means that each value can only be one or the other type at any given time. When we apply keyof, the only guaranteed key on the object is the one shared between both types. That’s also why our function getName was restricted to referencing the name property.

  • keyof Steed (i.e. keyof (Vehicle & Animal)) would naturally yield all three keys, 'name' | 'speed' | 'legs'.

A union type typically decreases the number of valid keys, while an intersection type typically increases the number of valid keys.

We have enough information now to consider the original question: What is keyof never? Or keyof unknown? The answer, while unintuitive, is quite logical!

Let’s start again with unknown:

  • unknown is an infinite union of types

  • a union type typically decreases the number of valid keys

  • keyof unknown is an infinitely-shrunk set of keys, i.e. an empty set

The set theory explanation is still confusing, so think about it on a natural-language level. What property is valid for both Vehicles, and Animals, and Reports, and Electrons, and Arrays, and Numbers, and Strings, and anything else you can think of? True, a variable of type unknown will only ever be one of those actual types at any given time, but (as we saw in the getName function) we are only allowed to use keys that are shared across all possible types. The question we’re answering with keyof unknown is “what keys can be used at any time on values of any type anywhere in Typescript?”

Therefore, keyof unknown is never.

What about keyof never?

  • never is an infinite intersection of types

  • an intersection type typically increases the number of valid keys

  • keyof never is the maximal set of keys possible in Typescript, i.e. String | Number | Symbol

When we combined two types, we got a type that had all the keys of both component types—even though we could no longer assign values of either component type to the intersection type. As we continue expanding that intersection type, we cover more and more keys, while making it more and more difficult to assign any value to the type… until we reach never. The question we’re answering with keyof never is “what keys could possibly, at some point, be syntactically valid in Typescript?”

Therefore, keyof never is String | Number | Symbol.

Admittedly, it’s mostly a fun thought exercise for me! But there is some marginal benefit.

If you are trying to define a variant of the Record type and want to provide no restrictions on what keys are used, you can use the generic type K extends keyof never to ensure that all valid key types are allowed (and, at the same time, preventing syntactically invalid key types). Granted, you could also use the more explicit String | Number | Symbol, and you’d be 99.9% sure to cover everything. However, if the language ever evolves in the future to allow a wider (or—somehow—narrower) set of key types, keyof never would by definition pick up on the change immediately, with no intervention necessary from the developer.

Crucially, I must urge the reader to not take this rationalization to their supervisors and tech leads in an attempt to justify unreadable code. The vast majority of developers will find it much easier to understand String | Number | Symbol. Saving that value in a readily-accessible type alias, with an explanatory code comment, is arguably much more maintainable than throwing keyof never everywhere. However, for those occasions when you see the latter in a codebase, and you’re confused as to how in the world that skeleton key works, think back to set theory. You just might be able to put yourself back on track!


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